GO! Grants are quick turnaround, high-impact, low-stress grants to help individuals and organizations create engagement and raise the voices of underserved populations in Whatcom County. GO! Grants offer a once-a-year grant up to $10,000 through a simple, streamlined application process. Eligible organizations include:
501c3 Organizations (Please include a copy of your 501c3 determination).
Government entities (Please include a letter from your Finance Department stating the entity is tax exempt.
Schools (Please include a copy of your annual accreditation letter).
Tribal Nations (we verify tribal nations through the Federal Government List of tribes)
For coalitions or collaborative groups of people who do not operate under the umbrella of one of these eligible organizations, Mount Baker Foundation will work with you to identify a fiscal sponsor. Mount Baker Foundation’s Go! Grants are intended to support communities to address challenges they identify and create positive change in our areas of focus and should align with our strategic initiatives (listed below). By empowering communities, we hope to increase engagement and resiliency of individuals, families, neighborhoods, and the population of Whatcom County as a whole.
Legacy of Kidney Health: Building Kidney Health Awareness; Prevention of Diabetes, Improving Quality of Life for individuals with chronic kidney disease.
Equity & Health Determinants: Equitable Access to the Internet Connections; Housing for Families with Children, Education for Underrepresented Minorities, Community Engagement and Resiliency.
Children & Families: Childcare Access; Family Supports, Parent Engagement, Teen Mental Health, family resiliency in the areas of food, housing, social inclusion, and mental health
Please contact Maria: maria@mtbakerfoundation.org.
To get in contact with us at Mount Baker Foundation, send us an email!
For more information or to join our mission, email support@mtbakerfoundation.org.
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